
Belt Shalwar Cutting Step By Step

Belt Shalwar Cutting

How To Cut Belt Shalwar

Belt Shalwar is common in healthy ladies because it gives ease to fat belly look. Other shalwars have many pleats over the elastic. When It is worn belly looks more large. So Belt Shalwar is made for heavy belly. Saperate belt have minimum pleats over elastic. It is just look like a pent from there. But the lower is fluffy shalwar which is comfortable for sitting and walking.

Lets have a look on 36 inches Belt Shalwar cutting by following steps. 

Note: This Shalwar consists of 3 parts, Palla, Conda And Belt

Palle Cutting (Pancha Panal)
First of all Shrink fabric and dry. When it is dried, press it so that every piece would be cut same in size. Now Double the fabric and measure the length for pallu. It would be 31.5(") inches large.

After measuring the length, now bend the fabric. 
Measure the pallu width which is 6.5". If you want to wear wide pancha then you need wide pallu, but no more than 7".

Cut the pallu out of the fabric as shown in the picture below. These are 2 Pieces all.

2. Konda Cutting (Crotch Panel) 

You need fabric in 4 layers. Measure the width of konda. It would be 20". Every piece of fabric would be 20 inches wide.
Measure the lenth of the konda 31.5" same as pallu's length.

Crotch length 8". Because 8" will be in belt length. Total would be 16" - 1" (for seam)  = 15".

Measure 2" wide from the end of the konda. It is for pancha width.
Join crotch line to the pancha line.

Now cut alongside the measuring line.
Pallu and konda will be same in size as they would be sewn together.

3. Belt Cutting

Double the fabric. 8" long belt will be attached with this shalwar. Some people wear long belt that irritate hips. The short belt is better then long. If you want more short belt then you need more release in shalwar, e.g. 32.5" or 33" instead of 31.5". For this shalwar belt length would be 7" or 6.5".
21" wide belt or according to hip size. Mostly 21" best for average people. Belt will go maximum 25" wide.
Cut it out from the fabric.
Separate both pieces.
How to place pleats in the shalwar. Join Pallu and conda then double the poncha as shown in the picture.

Put it over the pallu where belt would be attached. If pancha is 7" then leave 3.5" Pallu and mark there.

Start a 2" Pleat from the mark. Pleat should be bent inside. 

 Now remaining fabric also be pleated. Each pleat would be 0.5".

Hurrah You make belt shalwar. 
If you stuck any where while making Belt Shalwar don't hesitate to ask a question. Or If you like the way, do share your feeling in comment box. 

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Belt Shalwar Cutting Step By Step Belt Shalwar Cutting Step By Step Reviewed by Created by her on February 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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