
How to Make New Aplic Designs

Aplic designs
Aplic/applique is ornamental needlework in which pieces of fabric are sewn on to a larger piece. This technique is most common in textiles. It is also applied to many materials for the purpose of decoration. You can make banners, quilting, applique dress, decoration pieces and much more. In this article we are giving you idea how you can make new aplic designs.

New Aplic Designs 2017

Aplic design 2017 is not much different from the aplic design 2016. You can do aplic work on dresses and can make aplic design shirts by yourself at home with little effort. You can decor your neckline with aplic work too.

How to make aplic dress

It is not difficult to sketch and stitch design on larger piece of cloth. Look!, If you saw flower, leaves, patterns or representational scenes. You liked that and willing to put them on your dress. In context of drafting, you need a large paper. Now, sketch them on one side of that paper, bend it and cut accordingly. An Example is blow:

new aplic designs

Now put that paper on the piece of cloth you want to stick on your dress. Draw aplic design with pencil, cut and stitch it with needle. Do not move needle forwards while stitching, but backwards.

You can make draft for cushions, quilting, banners as well. If you wish to attend a regular classes for making new aplic designs as professional then "applique corner" is best place for you. Also attend conference.

For more visit this video.
How to Make New Aplic Designs How to Make New Aplic Designs Reviewed by Created by her on March 25, 2017 Rating: 5

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