
New Fashion - Draped Side Detail Trouser

draped side detail trouser
New Fashion

Everyday comes with new challenges in every field. Fashion is common decision  of  every one. Fashion gets change with new day comes because New fashion comes every day. Nowadays Draped Side Detail Trouser is new in fashion. Draped Side Detail Trouser give you luxury look. It can be wear with shirts and also with tunics. It is easy to wear and very comfortable. Do you know how you can make it by yourself. Here is the way you can make it at home.

Cut trousers like Capri Pant or plazzo and add the freal in between outside cut. How to cut freal for side fall.
How to cut Freal
How to cut Freal
This freal cutting pattern is not only for Draped Side Detail Trouser. It is the basic pattern of freal. You can use it in stitching shirts, frocks and in making cushions. So Try to make Pants, frocks, shirts using the freal cutting like this.
New Fashion - Draped Side Detail Trouser New Fashion - Draped Side Detail Trouser Reviewed by Created by her on June 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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