Food are essential part of your life. You are able to do day activities if you eat healthy foods daily. Question is that what is healthy and what to eat. You better know, every food is not healthy for every one and differ from other by its taste and nature. In addition, some foods contain vitamins, minerals and other have proteins, carbohydrates and fats in them. They are all important for your body to grow and develop. You are a school going child, office going man or house wife, who you are, each of you need to know what is better for your healthy body.
School aged children needs healthy foods and nutritious snacks. They causally eat 4 times a day but do not eat too much in each meal. They are in the state of like or dislike so they do not eat every food. All depends upon mother how she convince them to eat food they dislike which is healthy for their body.
A child should take protein, fruits, grains, vegetables regularly. Following are the some helpful foods for school going children.
Diet For Office Worker
Office worker do little physical activities 8 hours a day, if they travel long from home to office they inactive 12 hours. Therefore they have variety of dietary problems including overweight and poor eating problems. It is beneficial to office worker to select diet from following food groups.
Hence everything eating leads to weight gain, on the other hand poor eating habit is also not good for health. Therefore, Choose best according to your needs and don't take every food because some foods maybe bad for your health.
- Foods for School Going Children
School aged children needs healthy foods and nutritious snacks. They causally eat 4 times a day but do not eat too much in each meal. They are in the state of like or dislike so they do not eat every food. All depends upon mother how she convince them to eat food they dislike which is healthy for their body.
A child should take protein, fruits, grains, vegetables regularly. Following are the some helpful foods for school going children.
- Grains are available in foods made from wheat, oat, rice, cornmeal and barley. Examples are whole wheat, brown rice and oatmeal.
- Fruits can be found in juicy form and canned form. Both are useful. Examples are Apple, Apricot, Banana and Pineapple.
- Proteins are found in oily foods such as meat, fish, seeds, nuts, beans and poultry.
- Vegetables are of many colors and tastes. Spinach, Carrot, tomato, cabbage and many more.
- Dairy. Milk products, all things made from milk are part of this food group. Focus to eat low fat food.
Diet For Office Worker
Office worker do little physical activities 8 hours a day, if they travel long from home to office they inactive 12 hours. Therefore they have variety of dietary problems including overweight and poor eating problems. It is beneficial to office worker to select diet from following food groups.
- Fruit and vegetables
- Whole, high-fibre grains and cereals
- Dry beans, seeds, peas and lentils
- Fat-free milk and dairy products
- Lean meat, fish or eggs
Hence everything eating leads to weight gain, on the other hand poor eating habit is also not good for health. Therefore, Choose best according to your needs and don't take every food because some foods maybe bad for your health.
Healthy Foods To Eat
Reviewed by Created by her
January 01, 2017

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